So it happened…

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Soldiers and The Sufi

The soldiers surrounded the Sufi and his disciple, and they said they are in search of Sufis, all Sufis have to be imprisoned, because the king has commanded so, saying that they say things which are not welcome and they create such thought patterns which are not good for the tranquillity of the populace.

And the Sufi said, “And so you should….”  — And the Sufi said to the soldiers, “And so you should” —

“… for you must do your duty.”

“But are you not Sufis?” said the soldiers.

“Test us.” said the Sufi.

The officer took out a Sufi book. “What is this?” he said.

The Sufi looked at the title page and said, “Something which I will burn in front of you since you have not already done so.” He set light to the book, and the soldiers rode away satisfied.

The Sufi’s companion asked, “What was the purpose of that action?”

“To make us invisible,” said the Sufi. “for to the man of the world, visibility means that you are looking like something or someone he expects you to resemble. If you look different, your true nature becomes invisible to him.”