So it happened…


The 8 Cars (Quiz)

I recently posted a questions to the Joez ( 7 friends ) :

A rich asian family consisting of:

1) Grandfather and Grandmother
2) Father and Mother
3) Son ( 20 ~ 30 yrs old ) and Daughter ( 20 ~ 25 yrs old )
4) 2 Drivers will be assigned for the family
5) They have enough space to keep vehicles

The family wants to purchase 8 cars/vehicles for the family.
As at today, what would you recommend for the entire family and why?


I received excellent answers, all of which are posted here: Answers to Quiz by the Joez. We then got together and voted for the top 3. The results in detail are available here. Voting was done via a spreadsheet on Google Docs. It was totally cool. We chatted online while viewing the document and discussed various aspects of the quiz. Web 2.0 Totally Rocks ! 🙂 This is certainly the future of the internet.

Anyways, I did mention to my friends that I would give them a surprise ‘Gift’. So I am featuring the winners on this blog.

Winner: Hemaswara Naidu

1st Runner Up: Me

2nd Runner Up: Mahendran Subramaniam

Top 3 Answers

1. Honda Elysion – Sporty Family Carrier with style
2. BMW X5 – Father loves SUV
3. Mercedes S-Class – Classy Grandparents
4. Volvo V50 – Responsible Mother
5. Nissan Skyline R34 – Turbo for son
6. BMW 1 Series – Cute for girls
7. VW Golf GTi – Weekend car for father
8. Toyota Camry – Practical sedan car for everyone use


1. Mazda RX8 – head turner for the young boy
2. Minicooper – for the girl, easy to use, sweet
3. Mitshubishi Evo – Young boy and girl going out with friends
4. Honda Accord ( 8 Generation) – Normal moving around town for grandfather
and gandma + Useable for use of father and mother
5. Toyota Camry – Normal moving around town for father and mother + Vegetable
buying car
6. Mercedes Benz CLS – prestige for the father and mother
7. Range Rover 4WD ( Freelander ) – For an adventure travel
8. Toyota Alphard – All travel together


1. Grandfather/grandmother – Mercedes benz (any antique model – masterpiece)
2. Father – Mercedes Benz CLS Class Coupe
3. Mother – Volvo new S80
4. Son – BMW Z4 M Roadster
5. Daughter – Mini Cooper
6. Mercedes Benz R-class Tourer – adventure/leisure use (driven by 1st driver)
7. Proton Perdana – General use (Malaysian flavour)
8. Toyota Wish – Market use (driven by 2nd driver)


Where is this going ?

We are thinking that every week, someone ( every joe takes turn ) posts a questions ( creativity encouraged ) like this and moderates the quiz in his/her own way. Moderator is given full responsibility to conduct the session for the week.

Why do this?

Enhances creativity with creative questions.

We get to do research.

Get to learn more on different topics – diversify.


Share knowledge.

Does not take too much of time – easy to moderate.

There are 7 of us, we moderate only once in 7 weeks.

Keeps friends connected.


What are the rules?
1) MODERATOR for the week decides EVERYTHING.
2) If MODERATOR cannot do it this week, he can pass on and take up next week
( but not much of work really )
3) Maybe post question on Mon/Tuesday and wrap up the session by *EOW ( .5 )
* EOW – End of Week ( .5 = Friday )

1) MODERATOR will try not to make the question too difficult.
2) etc.



My Translation of ‘Mora Piya by Jal The Band’

The Same Day, The Same Night,
But I am not the same anymore.
During those lonely evenings,
No one was ever mine.

Even the moon and the stars,
asks what has happened ?
I am the same, you are the same,
but the moment is different.

My friend,
you didn’t understand,
i never ever belonged to the world.

Lost my heart and my nights,
What else is there left to search?
We complain on others,
But our own also betrayed us.
Couldn’t find anyone in this world that felt like mine,
The current has also smeared me.

My friend,
you didn’t understand,
i never ever belonged to the world.

Relationships happen,
eventually to break.
My friend, my friend
How are we to live?

Download the MP3 Here:

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The night that was…Haikuish

Like you change clothes,
I change bodies.
Follow me.
Sweet milk.
Not stirred well.
Bottom very sweet.
Listen to music
Touches the heart
Fan moving
But no breeze
Whats the point?
Waving flag of a nation,
is for the fools.
Drink beer.
Smoking at bus stop,
Bus stop, and go,
I still smoke.
Love of God
Cannot explain in words,
Try not.
The night is quiet,
So much of peace,
Bliss !
I awake when the world sleeps.
Something about the night,
I just love.
If haiku cannot express truth,
Its not haiku,
Its mind.
Beautiful girl I feel,
A thousand miles away,
She may feel me.
Haiku following rules
Is like
Buying Zen in shop.
Milk in Glass named Milk,
Milk drunk,
Glass is Milk.
Mosquito biting legs,
Kill or Let Go?
Annamalai Swami won’t bother.
Plastic flower looks good.
But doesn’t smell,
Then its not flower.
You want to be Buddhist (Christian),
Buddha (Jesus) was not Buddhist (Christian),
Better be Buddha (Jesus).

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NSA – No Strings Attached


Written thru: V

Most humans are terrified of being left alone. They wonder, what will become of them. How am I going to deal with it ? And if that person is financially challenged, it becomes worse. It’s a constant fear that bugs many humans. One seeks security. And I tell them, the very insecurity is your only security. Understand, that being alone and being lonely are two different things. One can be alone, and yet not be lonely. This simple understanding can solve a lot of agony.


The problem with humans is that they seek security. It has become the basis of existence. Without security, they will fall, they will crumble. But, there is another state of being, where your life is guided by that innate intelligence in you. A divine spark, that guides you, teaches you, takes care of you. You do not need what you think as you to run your life.


Attachment to anyone or anything at one level becomes possessiveness. And that is nonsense. Life is like the flowing river, let it flow and you watch. That’s all. Its that simple. What comes, comes. What goes, goes. You remain. Notice the changeless in the ever changing. If you have observed, nothing really goes exactly the way you have planned. The whole has a journey of its own.


All your love is selfish. Notice when someone dies, we cry not for them, but for us. What will happen, how to live on ? If you really love, then there will be no tears. Divine love is not an emotion, it’s a state of being. Just observe your life, and see how many attachments you have made, how many expectations have arised out of it, and how many things or people you are trying to possess. You will see, how much misery you have created around you for yourself.


Be like the Sufis, be in the world, but not of the world. Then you will experience freedom.

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Life is not as precious as you think

Written thru : V



Life is not as precious as you think. Its all here…be playful, enjoy, celebrate. If you are too serious with life, you might as well be dead. For the key to truth lies in laughter, joy, happiness. Don’t be a fool and waste opportunities to celebrate. Understand, you create a lot of your own miseries. Trying to be perfect is a disease. You will only be at ease when you be and accept yourself as you are.


Understand, in the spiritual practice, you only need to renounce what you don’t have. That’s all. And this will solve so much of your problems. Be happy with what you have. Whatever is happening is auspicious, whatever will happen is auspicious.

Do not be bothered, sink in, and radiate eternal bliss.


Deep down, even if you are not interested in spirituality, there is a hidden space in your existence which thirsts for enlightenment. Understand, in the entire cosmos, the only way to achieve enlightenment is by taking up the human body. And earth is not a good place to live, but still you have chosen to come here, for no other reason, but for the very possibility of enlightenment.


Don’t waste your life in seriousness. Only nonsensical people will teach you seriousness.

Remember, the spiritual path will bestow you with Sat – Chit – Anand

( Truth – Consciousness – Bliss ).


No matter where you are, how you are, what you are going through, you are never separate from God. You are IN GOD. Swallow this truth and establish yourself into it. There is not one place God is not. Now the only thing that remains is for you to feel it. That’s all.


Leave gaps in your existence. Meaning, planning planning and planning is not going to get you anywhere. All your plans are useless. And if its necessary, ok, but leave gaps. Gaps for the divine to intervene…for it to manifest miracles. And you will see miracles happening every moment.


All this serious people are all emotionally damaged and carry all sorts of nonsense in them. Some of them cannot be helped, too much conditioned. What to do.

If anyone at all stops joy in you, remember they are ill and diseased.

Bless them with this phrase ‘ Get Well Soon ‘ J


So have fun, be in joy every moment.

Existence celebrates through you…


Be Blissful.

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A New Hobby…





Me and Su:

At Black Palace:

Trip to Titlis: